
Star Combo was established in 2004 as a leading Australian nutritional products business that develops, manufactures and distributes a range of branded vitamins, dietary supplements and skincare products, serving both domestic and offshore markets (predominantly in Asian countries).

Share Price

Open 0.16
High 0.16
Low 0.16
Volume 00
( 0.0%
As at 3:41PM 07/02/2025

Historical Share Price

Share Price Graph

ASX Announcements

My Shareholding

If you are a Shareholder and have questions about your holding, visit the Investor CentreOpens in new window or contact the Registry:

MUFG Corporate Markets
Locked Bag A14
Sydney South NSW 1235
P: +61 1300 554 474
F: +61 2 9287 0303
mpms.mufg.comOpens in new window

Shareholders can use the Investor CentreOpens in new window to:

  • Set up and add their holdings to a portfolio
  • Review and update their contact details, communication preferences and payment instructions
  • Provide their TFN and/or ABN
  • View their holding details
  • Make online enquiries

View your shareholdingOpens in new window

You will need your Security Reference Number (SRN) or Holder Identification Number (HIN) to verify your identity. Your SRN/HIN is available on your holding/transaction and distribution statements.

Corporate Governance

Star Combo Pharma's Board and management are committed and dedicated to the highest standards of our corporate behaviour and accountability throughout the organisation. The Board meet regularly to review its governance practices and ensure the needs and expectations of our stakeholders are met within a framework that is appropriate for Star Combo Pharma and ensures legal compliance.

Please view our governance policies below:

Investor contacts

Registered Office

Star Combo Pharma Limited
171-177 Woodpark Road
Smithfield NSW 2164

Share Registry

MUFG Corporate Markets
Level 12, 680 George Street
Sydney NSW 2000

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